Monday, July 10, 2006

Sometimes, I Not Speak Too Good...

I think the "radio click" is universal as a sign of laughter. I looooove earning a click or two, I admit. Here are some of my more embarassing dispatch snafus

"Suspect is on Viagra street....correction, Niagra."

"The suspect is..... attempting to have relations with the hood of the vehicle...."

"The Christmas tree in the road is going Northbound."

"Same J's from earlier tonight....and the mayhem continues..."

"The RP is complaining of....(huge keyed mike pause while I frantically try to think of, how to say this) ..........explosive diarrhea....."

"Noise complaint; Flute player on the corner playing badly--correction loudly."

Me: A22 please respond--AAACCKKKKK (me, choking) stand--by--please...
Officer answers: (Laughing really hard) Standing by.....
Me: I am OK now.... continuing on....
(I had choked on a peanut. If I had dialed 911, I would have gotten myself....)

My personal favorite moment of shame:

Thinking I was typing to a room full of radio dispatchers I typed:
"Anyone need a quickie?" (our name for bathroom breaks)
Turns out I sent that message out over the MDTs to over 30 police officers.....Nice.
I got so many messages back our system got flooded. Mostly confused, "Whaat???"

So I go down to the Watch Commander's office and share the above story with my favorite LT, and he says, "That's nothing, I heard there was this one dispatcher who didn't know her mike was keyed, and she was going on and on about her Friday night plans!" I replied, "Um...yeah that was me too, and it was my Saturday night plans, truth be told." He just shook his head.

I am not the only one. Our guys key their mikes all the time. Recently one keyed and you could hear the officer plain as day say, "Man that last lady was STUUUPID!" Yikes. Glad I'm not the only one!


Cop the Truth said...

Try confusing your radio mike with your PA mike sometime...oops!

HotRodHanna said...

Our gang units are usually 2 man cars.. G114 said "10-8" and I asked "Are you single?" when I meant SOLO. I about died when the Sgt came on the back up channel and said "Station, I think he's married."

My worst was when we were working a major incident and all my units were tied up. I had one female officer go 10-8. Do you think she offered to handle the calls that were piling up? Noooo, she pulls traffic. When she finally cleared, I had an open mike and EVERYONE heard me say (in a really annoyed voice) "I've got to give 'Jane' something to do before she talks again".