Monday, July 17, 2006

But We are Supposed to Be the Smart Ones....

OFF DUTY ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE: An officer at my husband's agency accidentally shot himself in the foot and then claimed his dog did it...He says while the gun was shoved down the front of his pants, without a holster (a warning sign right there...), his dog jumped on him and pulled the trigger. A trigger with about a 2 1/2 pound pull, by the way...How lame! Didn't he get the memo that "the dog ate my homework" variations, just don't cut it in the adult world??? All the officers on his shift are chipping in for a dog muzzle.


Wadical said...

I noticed you said "the gun was shoved down the front of his pants". Mmmmm hmmmm....yeah, well maybe instead of a dog muzzle, the officers should be purchasing him a lottery ticket since he's so damned lucky. How'd it miss hitting him in the stones?

Dawg said...

If the gun was in his pants, was he lying down and the dog jumped on him from the direction over his head and pawed the trigger?

I mean how else could the dog manage to get a paw or toenail in the opposite direction to pull the trigger, if the man was standing up?

What an idiot.

Rebecca said...

You guys are exactly right, it is a 100% bogus claim all the way around! And he is sooooooo lucky he still has his "stones" cuz he sure doesn't have brains going for him!