Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Had the Right To Remain Stupid

I got pulled over by one of my own officers...sort of. I made a left turn out of the Crap in the Box even though "Right Turn Only" was posted. I saw the sign, but I thought, who is going to notice at 3:45 in the morning? My Officer, noticed. He pulls up beside me and does the universal hand motion for "Roll-your-friggin' window down" realizes it's me and rolls his eyes as he speeds off. Oops.


HotRodHanna said...

Ha! That's happend to me several times. The worst part is walking into dispatch and they ALL know it was your plate that got ran. Embarrassing.

FroneAmy said...

Eek! We don't yet live close enough to Jim's new post so I haven't had the opportunity to get pulled over by any of the deputies, but I would be SO embarassed!