Friday, March 30, 2007

Geeeez! Grow Up!

Geez, honestly I sometimes think people are incapable of acting and thinking intelligently, without outside assistance. This guy and girl got into a verbal 415. In an act of defiance, the female locked their baby in the vehicle. What that was supposed to prove, I am not sure. Anyway we go out, play a game of He said She said, and in the end dole out copious amounts of advice, that will go unheeded. From what I gathered She had His tools, and He wants them back now that they are no longer together. Officer C told them to exchange them amicably when they are both able to at a neutral location. So just now, He calls me and says, "I am outside your police station, waiting for Her to bring me my tools, is that OK?" I answered, "Um, yeah, unless Officer C told you to not have contact." "No," He says, "I just wanted to let you know what was going on." OK. I hang up. No more than a minute passes and She calls. "I am on my way over to your police station, to return some tools to the father of my daughter." (Argh! I hate this "Baby's Mama" thing our present culture has going right now. You had sex with this person, at one point you maybe even liked them, so stop acting like you barely had any kind of relationship with them. Total pet peeve of mine.) I digress, so I say, "Okaaaaay...." and She says, "So is that OK?" and I tell Her the same thing I told Him, but what I want to say is, "The two of You need to grow the heck up! Who told you, the police department needed to be advised of your every move???" But of course, I kept my thoughts to myself. I really can't stand this kind of call, but we get it all the time. I don't like it when citizens, try to use the police department like this. If there is a history of domestic violence, that is different; we are here to provide a civil standby for custody exchanges, etc., for your safety, but mitigating your every move, and playing referee is not in the job description. Sigh. Stepping down from soap box now.


Stacey said...

I hate the babymama/babydaddy thing it is so annoying.

dickiebo said...

Try to look at it like this; putting up with this sort of c...p is like paying rent. Just a price that we have to pay to have a good life of our own.

Brent said...

What I have always hated is when one-half of a domestic problem uses us to get back at the other half. And it's so obvious. They think they are so original, but after 10,000 times...well, you know the routine.

Wadical said...

We get points for getting a "My baby momma" call....yes points. It's fun, you should try it.

On my shift we get 10 points for the coveted "My baby daddy" or "My baby momma" call.

8 points for a "hoochie momma" call.

6 for "Done fell out"

6 for a "Scat Call" (named for Scat Singing, the improvisational nonsense lyrics popularized by such jazz legends as Al Jarreau and Louis Armstrong. To be awarded these points, the caller must be completely unintelligible to everyone in the room..."WTF did he just say??")

There are a few others that I cannot print here but you get the idea. You can add as many as you like. First one to twenty wins lunch provided by the rest of the shift! Might take two weeks, might take a month but it makes it more enjoyable to answer the 9-1-1 call from the hood!

(P.S. if anyone gets a "My baby daddy other baby momma" call...they win right then and there!)