This is a conversation Chris and I had one morning last week. It went a little something like this:
Chris: Guess what they are doing at my office this month.
Me: What?
Chris: You know the basketball thing; March Madness?
Me: Yeah.....
Chris: Well the officers decided to have March Mustache Madness
Me: Say what?
Chris: They decided to all grow mustaches this month.
Me: Oooookaaay. Are you going to?
Chris: No they know not to bother asking me to do that [stuff]
Me: Hmmm?
Chris: Beck, they all look like they're gonna be in a gay porn.
Me: Yeah, I bet they do! All I can picture in my head is a bunch of Lt. Dangles from Reno 911 running around.
Chris: Yup, that about covers it.
Me: Wow, can't wait to hear what they do for April.
What is it you young folks have against 'staches? My Dearly Beloved has had one for the entire time I've known him, going on 19 yrs now. I Love his moustache.
Maybe it's just a Texas thang.
Holly, I agree, some guys do look great with mustaches. Maybe it's a CA thing but the current treds for our cops run towards shaved heads or goatees. My husband, would look a little light in the loafers...
They issued me a mustache when I became a Motor Officer. I didn't know that 'normal' cops could have them, too!
i am sad to say that my husband is one of those suckers who decided to participate in March Mustache Madness. when i asked him what the winner gets he said "pride,angel,pride". all i could do is shake my head and pray that the end of this month comes quickly!
2:26 PM
Come now, girls. Let them have their fun! Time to worry is when they want you to grow one.
Ok the only mustaches that dont make me want to point and laugh are the biker ones. And that is only on guys who look bikerish. When it comes to other mustaches I have to agree with Chris on the gay porn comment.
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