Friday, March 30, 2007

Geeeez! Grow Up!

Geez, honestly I sometimes think people are incapable of acting and thinking intelligently, without outside assistance. This guy and girl got into a verbal 415. In an act of defiance, the female locked their baby in the vehicle. What that was supposed to prove, I am not sure. Anyway we go out, play a game of He said She said, and in the end dole out copious amounts of advice, that will go unheeded. From what I gathered She had His tools, and He wants them back now that they are no longer together. Officer C told them to exchange them amicably when they are both able to at a neutral location. So just now, He calls me and says, "I am outside your police station, waiting for Her to bring me my tools, is that OK?" I answered, "Um, yeah, unless Officer C told you to not have contact." "No," He says, "I just wanted to let you know what was going on." OK. I hang up. No more than a minute passes and She calls. "I am on my way over to your police station, to return some tools to the father of my daughter." (Argh! I hate this "Baby's Mama" thing our present culture has going right now. You had sex with this person, at one point you maybe even liked them, so stop acting like you barely had any kind of relationship with them. Total pet peeve of mine.) I digress, so I say, "Okaaaaay...." and She says, "So is that OK?" and I tell Her the same thing I told Him, but what I want to say is, "The two of You need to grow the heck up! Who told you, the police department needed to be advised of your every move???" But of course, I kept my thoughts to myself. I really can't stand this kind of call, but we get it all the time. I don't like it when citizens, try to use the police department like this. If there is a history of domestic violence, that is different; we are here to provide a civil standby for custody exchanges, etc., for your safety, but mitigating your every move, and playing referee is not in the job description. Sigh. Stepping down from soap box now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm......(Click Here)

Thanks Mike, for awarding me this, how cool!!!!!! OK, so how this works is, after being "tagged" with this award, I must now give the award to five other blogs I feel deserve it. (I added the rules at the bottom.) Here goes:

Brent at Law and Disorder---Brent takes the time from his busy schedule to write great posts about his job as a detective, his family and current events. He takes the time to comment and he updates regularly.

Jason at Wight Wing Wadical-Jason's blog(s) more than any other I have ever seen, not only give the reader a massive amount of information to process, but also an unapologetic opinion on the way he believes things are/should be.

PJ at Being There--Not only is PJ a dispatcher, he takes the time to honor heroes from this war, with in depth entries that give information and tributes to those who deserve it.

Ron at Tis Gar Plen---I don't even know how to describe his blog....Being a ex-cop, current geek, he covers all kinds of topics. You'll just have to check him out for yourselves!

The original Thinking Blog's rules. The following is taken directly from his site, and it is where it all began:

Congratulations, you won a Thinking Blogger Award! Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. I thought it would be appropriate to include them.The participation rules are simple:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.

That was that! Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all - blogs that really get you thinking!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Open Mouth Insert....Shoe

So I am chatting with Officer B and the phone rings

Me: Hello Wonderful PD, how can I help you?

Caller: I need help, I lost my shoe.

Me: I'm sorry? You lost your.....

Caller: My shoe, on the freeway, in your city.

Me: OK....well all calls for service on the freeway are handled by the Highway Patrol, so let me get you their number. It's ----------------.

Caller: Great, I will call them, I also need the number for those guys who work on the freeway in those orange vests. You see, my shoe was lost on the freeway and it was very expensive, but now I only have one shoe, and I want the other one back.

Me: Well the guys in the orange vests are probably CalTrans...Or prisoners...Let's just go with CalTrans. Their number is ------------------.

Caller: Oh good, I really want my shoe back, it is very expensive and it is somewhere on the freeway. I lost it their a week ago.

Me: Ok, well if anyone can help you it will be one of the numbers I gave you.

Caller: Thank you so much. Bye!
Wow, that must have been some shoe!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Felt Like a Peeping Tom.....

I am sorry if this entry looks all smooshed together. Every time I tried to spread it out and make it look more readable it just jammed it all back together again. Oh well.....

So, we are getting a new CAD system called RIMs. Anyone else have this system? I like it. It is very user friendly.

So, today we are still using the old system (Alliance) but I can bring up the training screen for RIMs. Turns out the officers are also using it, though from upstairs, practicing the various commands. While they were practicing entering commands and status updates, they must make up information about their pretend calls and pretend status changes. As I was practicing my own stuff, I glanced up and began reading what the officers wrote, and let's say it kept me VERY entertained! Here are some of the good ones: (But first a disclaimer for readers not in law enforcement: If you are reading this, please know our officers are normally very professional, and these comments were made to make each other laugh and to blow off steam. No citizens were harmed in the making of this post.)

The following were entered as notes as to where the unit was/what they were doing:








10-6. I AM SO LOST












The following are pretend documentation notes on call logs:

*Suspect's shirt looks like Detective Don's

*J's gathering at the local bar for a taste test

And notes to each other:

*We have a new "GREAT" instructor. He is creepy looking.

*Warning KJ (supervisor) may be in the area!!!!

*Testing 123, 123 Mike Check, Mike Check. I got two turntables and a microphone....

Note: (When adding supplies the officer had in his patrol vehicle such as PAZ, Taser, shotgun, etc., ) One officer added: A WINNING DISPOSITION

While I was practicing and using the old system too, I added a real call. Just a duplicate of one I was really working at a place called "Allie's Almonds" It was for a vandalism. Now mind you, our instructor told us, we would be assigned our own units, and no one else is allowed to put their hands on our units. (Of course, I was assigned our Lieutenant's unit call sign and I wasn't about to tell our LT when he came in to practice, to quit touching his own unit...) I digress. My point being, I entered the call, so no one else was supposed to mess with it. I came back to it an hour later, and found these notes added by various officers:

Officer Mike: Pick up a bag of almonds for me please

Officer Don: I like almonds. They have great almonds...a little bit smokey


OFFICER ROBERT: All the almonds were taken. weapon used was an almond knocker.

When they found out, I had been "spying" they were a bit embarassed! Then I think a little proud when I said they were very funny.

I realize that this whole post may be one of those "You had to be there...." but I still wanted to share it.

Ok, that is just about it. Last one; my absolute favorite of all the silly comments, was a note added to a minor injury accident:

"Pushed the car into (neighboring city). No report needed"

Ah...if only.....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's Madness, Madness, I Tell You !!!!!!!!!!

This is a conversation Chris and I had one morning last week. It went a little something like this:

Chris: Guess what they are doing at my office this month.

Me: What?

Chris: You know the basketball thing; March Madness?

Me: Yeah.....

Chris: Well the officers decided to have March Mustache Madness

Me: Say what?

Chris: They decided to all grow mustaches this month.

Me: Oooookaaay. Are you going to?

Chris: No they know not to bother asking me to do that [stuff]

Me: Hmmm?

Chris: Beck, they all look like they're gonna be in a gay porn.

Me: Yeah, I bet they do! All I can picture in my head is a bunch of Lt. Dangles from Reno 911 running around.

Chris: Yup, that about covers it.

Me: Wow, can't wait to hear what they do for April.

Monday, March 05, 2007

...And on a Lighter Note

Seriously, doesn't my Grandma Mary, rock? I am sad because she has gone back home, up North. She will return again, ("Lord, willing" as she always says) for the winter season, next year. She is 82 years old, she has great advice and she is not shy about sharing it. She has amazing character, and amazing faith. If there was ever anyone with a red phone straight to God; it's her. (But she can still kick yer butt!)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What I Fear Most

I really don't worry so much about Chris being shot and killed. Yes, I realize it is a very real possibility but it's not what I fear. Chris was in combat in the Marine Corps, and part of me feels like since he got out of that situation physically unscathed, he can handle himself alright if "only" one or a few subjects shoot at him. Probably sounds weird, but it is how I rationalize it, I guess... What I fear is Chris being mowed down by a passing motorist. Here in CA that seems to be happening a lot lately, mostly by drunk drivers like what happened to Chris' friend, Officer Brett Clearman.

Why do I bring this up now? Chris came home this morning and said, "I came so close to becoming a ped spread last night, I quit my job. I really did....For 3 whole minutes, I was unemployed. We were taking an accident report and this sh-- wagon came flying by, lost control and came, literally, within one inch of smearing me across the road. I said, 'f--- this, they don't pay me enough, I quit', and I got in my patrol car. I just sat there. I was serious enough that [my partner] believed me. Then I got out and finished the accident report."

My brilliant reply was, "Ped spread? That's a new one for me. And what's a sh-- wagon?" Turns out he meant a sanitation truck. I just had no words to express how thankful I was he was OK...and still employed.