Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yikes...That IS Pretty Bad....

So my husband was grumbling about being forced to partner up all next month with this guy we will call "J."

Me: Come on Chris, he can't be that bad, can he?

Chris: He pulled his asp out during the last code 3 cover call.

Me: Well that's good, shows he is not afraid to use it....


Me: Holy crap!......So how much sick time do you have saved up?


Ron said...

My training officer was almost as bad as 'J'....
During my second week of training on Midnights, he was driving and decided to pull over a car load of suspicious individuals. Our area was primarily patroled by single officer units, so no one would have expected a second officer to be on the scene already.

As my 'FTO' approaches the vehicle, he introduces himself "hello, I'm Officer 'Friendly' with the -Dept Name-, and this is Officer 'Deer in headlights' assisting me". As he introduces me, he shines his (very bright) duty flashlight at me, both lighting me up for all to see and ruining my night vision for the next 60-90 seconds.

After the stop was completed, even with me being the trainee, I told him if he ever did that again I was going to shoot the flashlight out of his hand!

Training was completed the next evening and I was out on my own ... finally!

Stacey said...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the stories I could tell you as an FTO! lol

JL said...

Good grief. I hope somebody got on that guy's ass.

HotRodHanna said...

Yikes. Tell your hubby to be careful! Nothing scarier that lousy backup.

We have some female officers who have questionable skills. One officer asked for a back. However, when he saw who arrived on scene he said "Station, send me another back. This one isn't working out". Yes, he got in trouble, but we all understood why he said it.

c2much said...

Every agency has those guys. I think it is mandated in the policy somewhere:( Oh by the way thanks for the link