Chris has been shot at THREE times this week! Can you believe that. So last night after the second time, the Sgt. calls a critical debriefing and tells everyone to be real careful, the city is going to crap, etc.,(homicides last year at this time were at 57 this year there are already over 100), and not 5 minutes after Chris and his partner leave the station they get shot at again! I am thinking now is a good time to play the lottery! Tonight is his friday. One more night and I can relax for 2 days. Just one more night, one more night, one more night, onemorenightonemorenightonemorenight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Week or Bad Week...
Pilots have a saying....
"Any crash you can walk away from is a GOOD landing."
Wow. Just wow. I don't even know how to respond except to tell you that I am glad his luck is holding out. And aren't you glad he wears that vest every day???
on a side note, I never found your "waiting for the pot to boil" blog, but ... we're no longer waiting; it's boiling away
I got a empathy stomach cramp for you after reading that first line. I'll be thinking about you.
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