When Chris got out of the police academy, I had already been a dispatcher for almost 2 years, so I found some of his early snafus and mishaps quite funny and endearing. One day while Chris was still on "break in", he came home from a long day and told me the following story. He and his FTO were on the freeway running out plates, so he could practice his phonetics and get used to giving information to the dispatchers over the radio. He called in a plate, that had the above image in the center of it. (Note: when calling out a plate like this, you ignore the images, and read them out like they aren't even there.) Well, Chris not knowing how to read it, said: "Sam, Adam, Mary......(Huge open mic'd pause)....Kid's tiny hand......One, two, three." While he told me about the massive ammount of radio clicks he got and how his Training Officer's jaw dropped, I about wet myself laughing.
Hmmm.....Maybe you have to be a California dispatcher/cop to find this funny.... [Bet you "got" why this was so funny, huh Hotrodhanna?] Shoot, howdy I'd a paid a lot to have seen his dispatcher's reaction!
I remember when a FTO was doing the same thing with a rookie in my day, in the Bay Area. Instead of following instructions, he decided to just make up a plate and run a 10-27.
It came back 10-37F. A major felony want. On the Phoebe's Top-10 list.
Before all the dust had finally settled, dispatch, and the watch commander, had recieved multiple calls from every level of the FBI. All the way to FBI HQ, DC.
Oh, Will that is funny! I remember when I was in traing at Huge PD I was warned never to run out someone famous--especially a president. One time Reagan was visiting and he drove by Huge PD's headquarters. 5 minutes later the secret service (or one of the other alphabet agencies), called the Head of Comm asking why, "27 computers on the sixth floor had just run out the president?" !!!! Geez, that is 27 dispatchers that didn't listen. Crazy.
One of our very rural volunteer fire chiefs was on the road not long ago behind an apparently drunk driver. He decided to call in the plate for us to relay to the Sheriff's Department.
1501 to rescue, copy a plate?
1501, go ahead
Florida license plate H as in Henry, R as in Robert, I as in Eyeball....
No shit. I swear. "I" as in Eyeball. What a maroon! What's next? "Q" as in cucumber?
I as in eyeball? hahahahahahhaa.
If you get the chance, you might enjoy this story from my past life.
HAHAHA! That is great Rebecca. I would have tears rolling down my face. At our agency as a prank the officers sometimes say "clear for a roller(plate on a moving veh)?" and then run our plates. The first time you about have a heart attack.. but now doing it to new dispatchers- the reaction is priceless.
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