Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pop Quiz Hot Shots

First person to tell me why it is a CRIME that gas prices have reached $2.86 wins..... the admiration of their peers.
Hint: $2.61 would have been even funnier


Anonymous said...

Some times I feel like I'm being 261'd at the pump. At least we don't live in the Neatherlands where they are paying $6.48 a gallon. But then again, Venezuela is only paying $0.12 a gallon.

Wadical said...

California Penal Code 286: (paraphrased) Thou shalt not commit sodomy.

California Penal Code 261: (paraphrased) Thou shalt not rape.

...and I don't even live there.

Yeah, we feel raped by gas prices here too. I'm paying over 3.00 still.

Wadical said...

Aw man...."Mr Police man" beat me to it while I was typing.

Rebecca said...

Well, it is kind of a tie, because Mr. Police Man identified "261'd" at the gas pump, but Wadical said sodomy first. Good job guys and bonus extra credit, cuz WWW is all the way on the other side of the country! Thanks for playing!