Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sorting Out my Feelings **Updated***

This will seem very disjointed and probably quite boring. My oral board was exactly one week ago and before today I just kind of put my thoughts and feelings in a box and put that box on a shelf. I really just didn't want to think about the whole thing for a while. So now, I will take down that box, blow off the dust that has accumulated and see if I can make any sense of it.
I did not get the full time dispatch position at WPD. No I am not joking. The LT said it was because I live too far away, that they need someone who could be there much faster in an emergency, but there is another full dispatcher who lives twice as far as I do so... I have a lot of mixed emotions. I have been loyal to WPD since I was laid off due to budget cuts. To be honest, my gut level reaction is; I took this like a slap in the face. There is no one better qualified for the job because I ALREADY DO IT. So that means they didn't want ME. How is that supposed to feel? How do I take that? I don't know. My husband is far more pissed than I am. He says they have no loyalty. "Beck, this shouldn't have been you interviewing for an open position, this should have been them giving you your old job back. We never would have moved farther away if you hadn't lost your job in the first place." I see his point but I still feel conflicted. I am relieved because, though I would have gladly done it, the commute would have sucked. (It is one hour on a good day, 2 on a bad day.) Now I'll get to spend time with my toddler son until the per diem hours dry up in September and I have to find a full time job some where. I know I did really lousy on the oral board and I finally figured out why. Normally I nail oral boards. I have gotten jobs I was not qualified for because I interview really, really well. I totally sucked at this one. Hours later it dawned on me. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Two out of the 3 people doing the board know me. I didn't know if I was supposed to pretend they didn't know me and just sell the heck out of myself and my skills or tell them new stuff that they perhaps did not know about me. The end result was I believe I didn't give thorough enough answers because, I figured they already knew my answers. It made me feel very awkward and uncomfortable to be interviewed by a friend too. Instead of selling myself to a prospective employer I felt like I was bragging, so I downplayed myself. I really did crappy. In hindsight I wish I had asked "Am I supposed to pretend I don't know you, and you don't know me?" However, in all fairness, they should have told me how they wanted me to answer, before the interview began. I am having a hard time getting too worked up about it all because, I feel my heart just wasn't in it. I like working per diem and I prayed about the whole experience. I put my whole faith in: if God wanted me to have this job, I would have it. Period. So, yeah, my worldly side is pissed, hurt, confused, offended and annoyed but when I look at my spiritual side, I couldn't be happier. I truly believe if God wanted me to have it, I would have it. When I am supposed to be working, the right job will be provided for me.
This whole experience has been really strange for me. I haven't really had to go through anything like this before, and I am not used to it.
Further analyzing the issue; I am not in the slightest upset with my friend, the dispatch supervisor, who was on the oral board, for not choosing me. Not one bit. But she never called, texted or even emailed, as a friend, to check on me and that hurts a lot. Maybe she felt she could only wear one "hat" and chose the work one. I hope not. If she reads this (And thinking she probably would, made it hard to vent, but that is what this blog is for), I am asking her to please not comment on this entry. I would rather pretend she doesn't read this entry, at all.
Well, those are my rambling thoughts about the whole situation, and I am no closer to enlightenment or resolution, but I trust my God completely.
***Updated june 28th*** My friend/Supervisor never got the text I sent her (I sent it immediately after the LT called me and it said "I am not upset. I am actually kind of relieved. I am disappointed and confused but OK." I was hurt when I got no reply. My friend not only didn't get it, she didn't know I already knew I had not been chosen. She was told not to discuss it with me. So, I feel like a horses ass for not trusting in our friendship. I have always prided myself for being one to admit when I am in the wrong, and this is one of those such times.***
Now, I am going to go play with Little Man, and probably rewrite this later, saving this one as a draft, and try to write it in a funny or more interesting format. I am thinking of me, lying on a couch in a shrink's office...... Til later.


Jason said...

Are there any other depts. that are closer to your home you can apply for?

Brina said...

Ok, I will not "comment" I will just talk to you when I see you because I/you don't need the entire free blog-reading world in on it. But yes, I did read it, and if there's one thing you know about me it should be that you're free to say whatever you like, no matter what "hat" I'm wearing.

5150Wife said...

Hi! I'm sorry you're down in the dumps about it. You're right, though. If it were meant to be, it would have been.
BTW, I just found your blog (thanks to TisGarPlen). I've enjoyed the read!
Hang in there! :-)


Rebekah said...

You and I look at things the same way... Keep the faith. God has His reasons why, even though we dont always see them.

Paradise Driver said...

Que sera, sera.

Whatever will be, will be.

"And that's the truth."

Wadical said...

Seems like you got a pretty good handle on this situation. You seem much more level headed than most people probably would be. So "advice" is not what you need..."encouragement" is.

So I encourage you to continue to be faithful that God will always lead you where he wants you to go. That's his job and God has never failed. I encourage you to continue to have a positive outlook on your future but more importantly to have a strong sense of contentment and clarity about your present. The Bible teaches us to pray for our "daily" bread...not tomorrow's. Tomorrow is not promised and is never meant to be in sharp focus for a Christian who truly lets go of the steering wheel and allows God to occupy the pilot's seat. The paths of our lives are more surely trodden if we keep our focus on the here and the now and leave the elsewhere's and the tomorrow's to God.

My Grandfather, who was a pilot, put it in aviation terms for me once. It's like flying IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) vs. flying VFR (visual flight rules). The former is "precision" flying. You can't see anything ahead of you and your focus is always on your instrument panel. One must have "faith" in their instruments to lead them where they're supposed to go. The latter is less precise and requires much less skill to navigate towards that which you can see clearly. God never intended for us to fly by the seat of our pants and turn and climb whenever WE feel the need to do so. He intended for us to fly focused on Him (our instruments) and turn and climb when HE says so...despite how we may feel.

I'd wish you luck but that really isn't what this is all about is it? You're doing fine. Just continue to check your attitude, to use more aviation's the big gauge right in the middle!

HollyB said...

Well, God never closes a door without opening a window.
I heard that so long ago, I don't remember where I heard it, or who said it. But I have found it to be true.
Just keep on keepin' on, hold on to your Faith and GOd WILL provide.

Anonymous said...

A few months ago I was passed over for a dispatch job at the county I was moving to. I have years of experience, all my certifications are current (including CTO) and all agencies near us are short-staffed. I did very well on the written and typing tests, and thought the panel interview went great. I really wasn't sure how to take it when they said I wasn't moving on. A jumble of emotions, I guess. I took it very personally.

Now, though, I'm happy I stayed where I'm at. We've lost a couple people (and three trainees) recently, and I couldn't imagine leaving the agency so short staffed. In an agency fully-staffed at 11, we have 8. Had I got that position there would have been 60+ hours of open shifts every week, plus any more time anyone called off sick or took vacation.

It really does all work out, sometimes for the big picture more than our own point-of-view. But being strong, we make it work. Hang in there.