I have been blogging here at my 5150 world for one whole year, today! It has been so much fun and so therapeutic. I love reading all the comments, and I love visiting all of your blogs too. I feel honored that anybody reads or comments at all, and I feel so happy that I only got one mean comment so far. Yay! So, I raise my glass of apple cider, (I am at work) and I say, "Cheers! Here is to another year of blogging." Will you toast with me? I would love to get as many comments as I can, to celebrate. (And Ron, haven't you figured out by now; I have no shame?)
Happy Anniversary! You've had quite a year and deserve the very best. Glinda
Here's to many more healthy and prosperous years of positive self-reflection in the blogosphere.
You are a talented and creative writer and I always look forward to reading your blog. Here's to you (glass raised)!
Happy Anniversary!
Oh, you never did send me that e-mail about where you are, after I guessed too close. :)
I was going leave a comment, even before you threw out that shameful plea for comments ;-)
Happy Annv.
happy anniversary!
Congrats & Happy Anniversary!
Happy, Happy!
I enjoy reading your blog, even though I don't always comment.
Keep up the good work.
Happy Anniversary!
I referred to the plea for comments as shameful. If you want to apply that adjective to yourself, that is your business!
(now, go over to my site, get your blog rated and leave a comment advising me of the rating)
Question: Why is called a 'word verification' when they have stuff like:
guobncqj (the one for this post)
What language is that?
You asked for "... as many comments as I can".
I think I have added my fair share!
Word verification= funlueft
Yeah, here's another for good measure!
Congrats! Happy Anniversary! Love reading your blog.
Congrats! Here's to another year...
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