Those fishnets, those sassy heels, that naughty garter, I just don't know how I am supposed to take this... Ewe think ewe know someone and then something like this happens.....
I am a police dispatcher. I have 6 years experience and am married to a cop. 5150 is California Welfare and Institutions Code for the lights are on but nobody is home. If I had a dime for every time someone dialed 911 asking for 411 I'd be rich. My personal motto is, "Yes someone DID in fact call 911 from your residence and then hang up, 911 does not do random house calls."
Ok. you are so mean hehe. I was really worried about you for a second. I was like "I'll track the jerk down yo" and then I saw the pic. hahah nice one hehehe
that *is* baaaa-d
Is someone pulling the wool over your eyes?
If I were ewe, I would track this female down and shear her from head to toe.
And make him wear lambswool underwear in those first weeks of August.
You must sweat the truth out of him.
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