So, I am still sick. My doc thought I had mono, but turns out it was just a really bad viral infection crossed with a Sinus infection. I was so relieved to hear it wasn't mono cuz I had mono one time and it turned into meningitis and I lost my whole memory. That sucked. I digress. Since I have been off work for over a week, I got nothing new. However, I totally forgot to share my two favorite "Huge PD" stories! I may have already shared this, but I couldn't find it in my archives, so if you have heard this one before, chalk it up to the Nyquil, K? Here goes:
One time I was working the relief frequency and I sent a message around the room asking if anyone wanted a "quickie" which was what we called a bathroom break. One of the other dispatchers stands up and yells over to me, " You just sent that to every officer on the whole shift." Which was about 30+ officers. Needless to say I got quite a few MDT messages back. So many in fact, it flooded our system and I finally had to log off, in utter shame and humiliation.
Flash forward a few months I was down in the sally port gabbing with my favorite LT. I told him the above Hall of Shame moment and after he laughed, he said, "Yeah well that is nothing, I heard about this one dispatcher who didn't realize her mike was keyed and she was going on and on for so long, about her Friday night plans!" "Oh, yeah...." I replied, "That was me too...." And as he stared at me open mouthed, I added, "And for the record it was my Saturday night plans...." Ugh, mortifying!
[PS I looooove Deputy Weigel from Reno 911, but anyone else out there think they should add an insane dispatcher? Just me? OK, crawling back into my hole now.]
ROFLMAO those are some pretty awesome stories, Rebecca. It's good to have a little humility some times, and even better to be able to laugh at yourself.
Hope you and family feel better soon. Even if it's not mono or meningitis, it sounds like it sucks!
Both our officers and our dispatchers are notorious for leaving their mikes open. And it's always fun to listen to them gab on and on.
Sorry to hear your sick, too. It sounds awful!
Hope you feel better soon. I had mono too long ago, and it sucks! Love Reno 911, and yes, they are missing a dispatcher that is just as whacked out as those officers. Great comic relief.
I agree. It would be a terrific addition to the show. They need a new character anyway and what a perfect addition. Hope you feel better soon. Is the little one ok?
Little one is better than me, PJ! Running circles around me and I feel like I am in slo-mo. I am well enough to go back to work, but the sinus infection is still kicking my A$$. Thanks for asking you guys!
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