This is my message for today: "People of earth: not every dog running loose in the streets is a Pitt Bull! I understand you are frightened but when you tell me the dog out your window is blonde with floppy ears, you are describing a lab and when you tell me it is a big black dog with tan dots over its eyes that is called a Rottweiler. Do you people not understand that Chows are the most dangerous dogs known to man? Sure they look like fuzzy teddy bears but they are insane....Where was I? Oh, yes, when you, citizens of the towns I work in, claim in hushed tones that the barking dog you can't see 6 streets over is a Pitt Bull, all respect I had for you goes out the window. As my annoyance grows, so does the time you will have to wait for an officer to respond. If you only knew that your amatuer dog breed analysis, made me react slower instead of faster, perhaps you would keep your Pitt hating comments to yourself." OK I am done with my rant. I know there are some mean Pitt Bulls out there, I get that, but that is usually because of bad owners and yes, sometimes bad breeding, but to write off and entire type of dog is just lame. To back up my claim, I have added a few pictures of Riley. She is my widdle cuddle bunny and she LOVES kids. I don't leave them alone together, I am not a moron, but I also don't live in fear of her attacking. Please show a little love to a breed that has gotten a bad rap.
You know, for this VERY reason, Jim and I don't tell people that our lab mix, Charlie, is really a Rott mix. Not that rotties get quite the reputation that pitts do, but close. So unless someone asks specifically if he's a rottweiler, we just let them believe he's a lab mix. He's really black lab/rott, so he looks exactly like a rott, but all black.
So I feel your pain. Some people are dog racists!
You know what breed of dog bites more humans than any other breed??
Cocker Spaniel! Large carnivores will always get a bad rap. My German Shepherd is the best dog in the world....the best. He's intelligent, alert, friendly. But if caught without tags by Animal Control...he would be considered "unadoptable" and "destroyed". Animal Control Offices should be more in tune than most others yet they assist in perpetuating the bad reputations of these large dogs.
These dogs get a bad rap because they are the most trainable. Protective instincts come naturally to certain breeds but training a dog to be protective of his territory or his pack (family/owner) requires a dog genetically inclined to learn and perform. That's why when someone wants a junk yard dog to protect his landscaping business or car lot, they don't pick Labradors or Irish Setters....they pick Rotts and Shepherds and Pitts.
But the average Joe will never go so far as to educate themselves beyond what is on television. Sorry, hun....it ain't gonna get no better.
I love the comment "As my annoyance grows, so does the time you will have to wait for an officer to respond"! Its our little way to stick it to some of those idiots out there. Your pup looks adorable. My brother has a rott mix and she is great with kids too.
Former K-9 cop here. The only dog that ever bit me was a goddamn mexican "rat" dog.
Love your stories and have added a link to here.
I have a Shiloh Sheperd he is huge but he is the nicest dog ever. He is also very protective of my family. He has never bitten anyone. Most people are to scared to come close enough to risk it (I am 5'6 and when he stands on his hindlegs he is taller than me) But he really is a big teddy bear.
I have been attacked by dogs on three seprate occasions all of them were "lap dogs" one was a pomeranian, one was a shitzu (who bit me through my pant leg so hard that he drew blood) and the other was a chihuahua/poodle mix. Now if I am on a call and the patient has a dog (especially a little one) I ask them to put it in another room. Big dogs tend to look at you like "Hey dont do any thing stupid. I'm watching you" Little dogs are vicious they just attack.
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