This is my message for today: "People of earth: not every dog running loose in the streets is a Pitt Bull! I understand you are frightened but when you tell me the dog out your window is blonde with floppy ears, you are describing a lab and when you tell me it is a big black dog with tan dots over its eyes that is called a Rottweiler. Do you people not understand that Chows are the most dangerous dogs known to man? Sure they look like fuzzy teddy bears but they are insane....Where was I? Oh, yes, when you, citizens of the towns I work in, claim in hushed tones that the barking dog you can't see 6 streets over is a Pitt Bull, all respect I had for you goes out the window. As my annoyance grows, so does the time you will have to wait for an officer to respond. If you only knew that your amatuer dog breed analysis, made me react slower instead of faster, perhaps you would keep your Pitt hating comments to yourself." OK I am done with my rant. I know there are some mean Pitt Bulls out there, I get that, but that is usually because of bad owners and yes, sometimes bad breeding, but to write off and entire type of dog is just lame. To back up my claim, I have added a few pictures of Riley. She is my widdle cuddle bunny and she LOVES kids. I don't leave them alone together, I am not a moron, but I also don't live in fear of her attacking. Please show a little love to a breed that has gotten a bad rap.