I have nothing to say police related. But I am at work and all is
Qui----, oh, I almost jinxed myself. All is not... too busy. So I would now like to share some random facts about myself, my family and stuff. Here goes:
*I am terrified of heights, well more accurately, falling from great heights
*I hate seafood. My motto is "Nothing from the sea" Nothing.
*I have 4 dogs over 50 pounds (Xena, Gabby, Bailey and Riley)
*I have another blog, with a loyal following, about my journey with infertility
*My son's middle name is Danger. It really is.
*When I was 17 I lost my
entire memory. I had meningitis and Epstein Barre
* I got most, but not all of it back, eventually
*I don't like fruits, vegetables or nuts. Good thing I was not born a squirrel
*My parents have been married almost 40 years. I take marriage very seriously.
*When we met on a blind date, Chris was in high school and I was a sophomore in college.
*I was kind of pissed at the guy who introduced us for not telling me he was younger, ahead of time, but I got over it.
*We waited 8 long years for Little Man
*I had to have surgery so I could
concieve*I had that surgery on Nov. 10
th--the Marine Corps birthday, and Chris was very proud of me.
*After 8 years, I got pregnant the month after the surgery
*I had a medical condition during pregnancy called "
Hyperemesis" which means "a lot of puking"
*From month 2-7 I threw up every day. My record was 35 times in one day
*According to my husband, I almost died in child birth. I really don't remember.
*Who dies in childbirth these days??? Honestly!
*It was all worth it, the moment I laid eyes on him.
*I didn't lay eyes on him for a while, because the nurses took him away so they could work on me.
*I nursed but I am not a "breast
nazi." I think it is
somthing that should be done discreetly. My view is: yes, breastfeeding is a natural bodily function, but so is urinating, and I won't be doing that in public any time soon, either
*I have nursing friends that will just whip out a boob wherever they are
*This mortifies me, but I love and support them anyway
*I was terrified I would get Post
Partum depression, but I did not
*I have taken Zoloft for a chemical imbalance for ten years
*I do not see a therapist because, I have nothing to tell them
*I grew up in a wonderful Norman Rockwell type home.
*We did move around a lot
*By the time I graduated high school, I had gone to 9 different schools.
*Moving around a lot with Chris, in the military was no big deal for me.
*We used to be so poor when we were in the Marine Corps, that if we had the money to add hot dogs to our Mac n' Cheese we became really excited. We would sit at the kitchen table with our last $20 between us and debate: Dog food or Gas money. Every time Chris got a ride or walked 5 miles to the base.
*In many ways those were the best years of our marriage, so far.
*I was raised quite well off and while transitioning from that to being really poor. I had ONE huge melt down in a supermarket. It was over waffles.
*After I threw said
pre-made waffles into the shopping cart, hysterically crying, "I had waffles before I got married, and I will have waffles NOW!!!!"
*My new groom wisely let it go.
*I find my husbands tattoos, VERY attractive
*Instead of an engagement ring Chris and I have identical tattoos, specially designed for us, in the form of a Celtic knot symbolizing "An eternal bond between two people"
*If I ever see our design on someone else, I will hunt down the tattoo artist
*I get so into the books I read, that if the character is in a bad mood, I get in one too.
*I won best comedic actress two years in a row in college, and competed against UCLA in a competition once.
*I am completely fulfilled writing scripts for, performing in and co-running my church's drama ministry.
*I am completely on fire for Jesus, and if a terrorist put a gun to my head I would die for my faith.
*I would also go down fighting. Because...
*I am a card carrying member of the NRA
*I am good mom, a good wife and a good Christian.
*I could do better at all three of the aforementioned
*I am really lazy and I hate that about myself
*Chris is training for a marathon, and I am desperately trying to get the motivation to work up to a 10K.
*I would settle for a 5K
*I may actually manage a nice 1 mile, fun run
*One time I ran in a 5k run and a small child in a cape passed me
*When I tried to catch up to him, he yelled, "No way, lady!" And I ate his dust.
*My dad (a marathon runner) who was in his late 50s at the time, ran the course over and over again to kill time while waiting for me.
*At the same race, by the time I stumbled to the end, they were packing up the finish line and had thought all the runners had gone home.
*I haven't really exercised since then
*I have one brother, 21 months older and growing up we were incredibly close
*He barely speaks to me now and it breaks my heart
*I am very, very, very close to my two brother in laws and my sister in law.
*It's just not same.
*There is a tiny kitten in a box behind me that an officer found, and it won't stop meowing
*I am wondering why cops always bring stray baby animals to dispatch
*I am thinking of a time, when I took a stray puppy home when an officer brought her in
*That reminds me of a story Chris told me about a time he was patrolling, saw some people surrounding a German Sheppard on the side of the street. He yelled for them, "Get back!" and ran in to assist the injured animal only to find out it was a toy stuffed animal.
*He was really embarrassed.
*I get sidetracked easily when I am telling stories.
*I love having good friends, and good conversation.
*I have to actively remind myself to shut up and listen to the other person who is talking
*Because I get sidetracked easily
*We can be talking about shoes and suddenly I will switch to talking about llamas. I was actively listening it is just that my mind jumps from topic to topic very quickly. So you say "I like these new shoes I bought." and I respond with, "Yes, they are nice. Did I tell you about the llama I saw?" Because my thought pattern went like this: I like her shoes/they are brown/brown like the color of a llama/llamas are funny/hey yesterday I saw a llama in the strangest place. And you may think I wasn't paying attention, but I really, really was. Actively.
*I can't stand people who are flaky. I only seem flaky, sometimes, but I am really not.
I am off in a 1/2 hour so I have to do some end of shift stuff. My oral board is on Thursday so I will post about soon after. Bye!