Well, I wish I had an amazing story of what happened to follow my last rant, er, I mean post. But, I don't. We went to the party, which was fun, talked to some Local PD cops who all said, "Him?????" "He did that?" "That doesn't sound like him at all." And one of them gladly signed off on the ticket without even looking at the truck parked out front. They are going to ask the offending officer, see what's up and get back to us. Chris said to also remind him of officer safety issues. Turns out before the Local Cop knew Chris was PD, he failed to notice the large Glock sitting out in plain view on the front passenger seat... At least if the guy had seen the gun and then stuck his own in Chris' face, Chris could've respected the guy! Oh, that reminds me of a question I would love an answer from all y'all. Which side of the car does the officer approach from at your agency? What about when you, or your officers are on a freeway/in heavy traffic. Also does your agency carry tasers? Or only certain officers specially trained? Or like Chris' agency can your management only cough up enough dough to furnish one lousy taser they all pass around? What about dashboard cameras? Who has them, likes them, uses them? Ok, that was more like 20 questions. Told you in the title of this post: Random. Continuing in that theme, here are some recent fun 911 calls: (Evil Me only answered in my head. I was (mostly) a consumate professional)
Caller: Come quick, there are some teens and they are drinking out of the trunk.
Evil Me: Like the whole trunk is filled with beer and they are using it like a trough? Cool, I'll send someone right out...to take pictures.
Caller: I am at my sister's house and she was broken into.
Me: Someone broke into your sister???? ( I just couldn't resist, that one was too easy.)
Caller (With thick hispanic accent): There were over 10 shots fired, please come quick.
Me: (After asking many questions,) Can you tell what race the suspects are?
Caller: Mexican! They are all Mexican!
Me: How many suspects are there?
Caller: I don't know, it's too dark! It's too far! And there are just so many Mexicans! I think 30! Yes, 30 Mexicans!
(This wasn't hilarious, it was just that I found it funny that this guy was way more upset by the fact that the suspects were Mexican, than that shots were fired. And where did he get the exact number "30"? Strange.
And my last and personal favorite:
Caller: My neighbor, Jane Smith, kicked down my fence!
Me: Did you see her do it, or are you assuming....
Caller: I didn't see her do it but, I have her shoe in evidence!!!!!!!
Me: There are....no .....words.....
If working alone, I would exit, walk around the back of my unit, open the passenger door and turn on that side's spot light (driver's side was already on) and then usually approach on the right side of the suspect vehicle. They couldn't be sure how many officers were there and, usually, I could see what they didn't want me to see. Backup was often 20-30 minutes away. Had to be self-sufficient.
We didn't had tazers or in car cameras back in my day.
Forgot to mention that I also had a 150# German Sheperd that really loved being a "police dog" to the max.
"Go ahead. Do something. Anything. I dare you."
At least thats what his growl meant to me.
I had trouble finding people to train with us. His bite was so strong that, even wearing the sleeve or suit, you were going to be black and blue afterwards. In real life his bite typically broke the suspects arm, or leg or whatever he happened to latch onto.
I miss my Zeus.
I normally approach on the driver's side. On the freeway I tend to approach on the passenger side. I've been doing this 5 years now and I don't trust the "light" shild everyone says you walk up and are hidden by. So, I walk up a lot of time with my gun in hand.
Tasers: Most of us are assigned them. The few that don't have them are new. Its the new X-taser (50,000 volts). We did just get 3 taser cameras. That should be fun to watch. They attach on the "Magazine" portion of the taser.
My gang car is the only one with a camera. Good thing, cuz I don't want to see the bone head things I do caught on tape.
My department just changed from the "ASP" to the "RCB" baton. Its bigger, heavy and more like and extendable baseball batt. Of course that doesn't help when I'm running after the bad guy with my 40 pound belt on.
You probably already know my answers to this - but you haven't been here in a while...
Approach: Driver's side, unless it's freeway, then passenger side, but I have seen a couple city cops approach on the driver side even on the freeway, habit I guess. (On a side note, I saw a CHP'ie the other day walk from his driver door, BETWEEN the two cars, to the passenger door of the stopped vehicle. I was like, isn't that the FIRST thing you are taught not to do?!? I mean, the chances are slim, but traffic related deaths are the number one right now. Dumb. Anyway, I digress...
Tasers: Watch commander has one, also any certified taser instructors that may be on shift. There are only two of those, so usually the WC only.
Dash Cam: Did away with them several years ago. They used to be only in the traffic cars, but nobody turned them on, and it was discovered that they were broken for a long time and nobody knew. So they just took em out.
Side note - Mike and Nitro still not back to work... We are coming up on the 2 month mark... Hopefully another two weeks they'll be back on the street.
I think my hubby approaches on the driver side. As far as tasers, they are all fixing to be certified to carry them. They are slowly sending them to school for it. And as far as I know, they have cameras and they are normally on. Right now he is using someone elses car because his camera is down.
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