I always find it funny when Chris comes home at 7 in the morning with a six pack and has a couple beers with like, really spicy tacos or a hamburger. I am just waking up and am in "breakfast mode," and he'll hand me the Western Bacon cheeseburger he so thoughtfully picked up for me. That is the life of a graveyard worker; all backwards. When I worked graves, I put tinfoil on the windows or wore a sleep mask. Chris doesn't need any of that. What he does need is for me to stay out of the bedroom, which for some reason, I seem to find impossible. I can plan to stay out, intend to stay out and really want to stay out, but first I gotta shower. And I have to have the door open so I can hear Little Man in his crib, at which time the dogs (all 4) will sneak in; one that farts loudly, another snores like a lumberjack. Then when I am finished I shoo them all out, close the door behind me and remember I have to go back in and brush my teeth. Oops I gotta go back in for my glasses and for some deodorant. Hey, today's laundry day isn't it? He won't mind as long as I do his stuff too. "Little man, psst, Little man, you can't be in here! Your going to wake...." "DAAAAADAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " Sorry, Chris, I'll be out in just a second. Dogs, out! Almost finished....[whispering loudly like that helps] Did you want me to wash the cover for your vest and some undershirts?" Chris: "Mmmmph!" "Right, sorry, OK, I'm out of here." Crap I forgot my shoes, I gotta go back in, and I can't find any socks. Got them, I'll just sit on the edge of the bed to put them on real quick. [Look of death from Chris.] "What? I'm just putting my shoes on!" Chris: "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE LEAVE!!!!!" "Ok, ok, I really thought I was being quiet, sorry!" Now, repeat that times pretty much every morning and that's our routine. What can I say, I mean to stay out, I really do, but I miss him when he works graves!
I had to laugh this morning reading your post. 8-) I can remember being the same way when my hubby worked graves.
Thanks for sharing,
That beer line came from an old Paul Newman movie. On his birthday, all students at Princeton University celebrate by drinking a minimum of one beer per hour for the entire 24 hours. Classes are very interesting on that day.
Ha!!! I knew you women had it planned to deprive us of sleep all along:)
That's funny. Mine sleeps through ANYTHING. I guess I am lucky. I could literally bring a marching band, horns a tootin' through the room and MAYBE he MIGHT roll over. It takes at least 5 minutes of being jumped on by the kids to wake him in the slightest.
Man, does that ever hit home! I'm changing jobs from 911 to the sheriff's office in a week. Very little stress. Oh, and I've changed my blog address to http:\\blogbeingthere.blogspot.com.
Still the same typre shifts at the SO, 12 on 12 off, so this post still applies to me. Great writing, Rebecca.
Oh my gosh! I thought I was the only woman in the world who was somehow drawn to her bedroom when her 3rd shift working hubby was snoozing! On any other day, I barely see my bedroom, but if he's in there sleeping, forget it! It's like you said, I don't MEAN to go in there, it just happens!
You don’t know me. I fell onto your blog by accident when doing a random search for something on the internet and was intrigued. I am a nurse and was surprised by your name of your blog. You may or may not know this already, but in the medical system 5150 stand for a patient that is suicidal or plans to hurt or kill themselves or others. Just found it interesting that you have chosen to name your blog this and felt the need to comment.
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