Some husbands bring home flowers to their wives... Mine brings home really gruesome/funny/bizarre crime scene photos. This is just how our marrige works. Case in point; when he was in the Marine Corps he brought me home a gas mask, "just in case." I gotta tell you in a weird way I am flattered he thinks of me, and find it quite romantic.
I digress, back to the crime scene photos. Last night a murder suspect tried to stage a homicide as a car accident. After killing a guy, he propped up the body in the driver's seat and crashed the car, somehow. Maybe it would have worked, if he hadn't shot the guy in the head---WITH A .40 Cal!!!! Gee, buddy, think the cops are going to notice the bullet hole and the entire back portion of his head missing??? Needless to say, they caught the bonehead! Til later Homies!
That is hysterical. What an idiot!? Bet the guys had a good laugh at that.
Well, stupidity aint a crime
Thank goodness the crooks are stupid. nuff said. ;)
He brought you a gas mask??????
That is so sweeeeeet.
Does he have a brother?
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