I have been around cops now for almost six years. I have dispatched for 4 different agencies and have met officers from many, different departments in California, from the top, to the bottom of this state and I gotta tell you some things are just universal. For example:
*Radio clicks are used as laughter, everywhere
*Top management just doesn't "get it"
*Sometimes the gossip is worse than high school
*Don't EVER assign a paper call to the wrong beat officer
*Don't take a unit off of code 7 unless it is really, really important
*The detectives think their at least a little cooler than the beat cops (and often times think they are waaaaaaaay better)
*Every single stinking communications center was once located "in the basement"
*Yes spicy tacos can be considered breakfast food if your shift ends at 0700hrs
And the top thing I have personally witnessed at all the agencies I have EVER come into contact with:
***Most cops really do eat coffee AND donuts
Now, every aforementioned PD has tried to convince others and themselves, that they have graduated to bagels and St*rbucks, but I have never been in a break room where donuts were left out, that within minutes weren't left annihilated. You would think someone often brought in pink boxes full of crumbs. It totally makes sense; it is a place that is often open 24 hours, and it is a quick sugar rush. I bought the entire shift Krispy Kremes and not one officer said thanks. Sigh, oh well!
The traffic cameras sound very cool. Love the post
That's GREAT!
So how did you get started in the business? I've always wanted to be a Police Dispatcher but have no idea what I need to do to get started!
Wow, we DID used to be in the basement!
That's a real story. Nice one gal. Feel like I'm almost there with him.
Not fair, we're still in the basement. On the bright side, if the government building blows up or burns down on top of us, we're still safe!
Pete, I'll take my chances on the ground floor! Windows are great!
I have yet to work any place where if you bring in a box of donuts (even stale day old ones that the cheap boss would buy) there are only crumbs left in a matter of minutes.
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