Sunday, January 28, 2007
Please Standby For Technical Difficulties

And Now, To Honor (Humor?) My Beloved Husband:
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Now THAT'S What I Want To See!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007
That's Amore

Some husbands bring home flowers to their wives... Mine brings home really gruesome/funny/bizarre crime scene photos. This is just how our marrige works. Case in point; when he was in the Marine Corps he brought me home a gas mask, "just in case." I gotta tell you in a weird way I am flattered he thinks of me, and find it quite romantic.
I digress, back to the crime scene photos. Last night a murder suspect tried to stage a homicide as a car accident. After killing a guy, he propped up the body in the driver's seat and crashed the car, somehow. Maybe it would have worked, if he hadn't shot the guy in the head---WITH A .40 Cal!!!! Gee, buddy, think the cops are going to notice the bullet hole and the entire back portion of his head missing??? Needless to say, they caught the bonehead! Til later Homies!