The following entry was written by a dear friend of mine. He works at San Diego Police and this picture was taken from the Communtications building.
"Another trajedy has come and gone.
Communications worked their tails off during this event.
We really are America's finest dispatchers and we proved it this week.
Of course there was a lot of chaos, lots of barking orders, but in the end, we made it seem effortless.
We stayed out of the news, which is a good thing. That shows we were doing our job.
There was one sign that disturbed me. It was outside room #213.
It said "food for officers and volunteers only"!
Some things never change!
Thank You my friends for your excellent work! I feel proud to work at SDPD."
Communications worked their tails off during this event.
We really are America's finest dispatchers and we proved it this week.
Of course there was a lot of chaos, lots of barking orders, but in the end, we made it seem effortless.
We stayed out of the news, which is a good thing. That shows we were doing our job.
There was one sign that disturbed me. It was outside room #213.
It said "food for officers and volunteers only"!
Some things never change!
Thank You my friends for your excellent work! I feel proud to work at SDPD."
My friend reads this blog, so if you would like to leave a message for him and the SDPD dispatchers, I am sure he'd pass it along. Thanks!
SDPD Dispatch, GOOD JOB THERE! Some of our fire guys are over there and they say its hell. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
-Dispatcher from a city in the Imperial Valley.
Our newspaper published some of the 911 calls in this morning's paper. Awesome job! SDPD are tops!
Dispatchers? What, they don't do anything. Look up pictures of their kids on the net, answer a couple of phone calls and gossip all day long.
Okay okay, I'm kidding but I've heard that from stupid people. I'm a cop and I run towards bullets. Put my in a room and have to do your job? I might eat a bullet. You guys rock!
As a former dispatcher I feel compassion everytime I see a major incident covered in the news. The first thing I think of is the hard-working dispatchers behind the scenes who aren't getting the headlines. You are awesome and truly unsung heroes. Good work and God Bless
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