I had this caller who said she was hiding in her closet, and that someone had broken into her home. Her alarm had gone off and she was sure someone was coming up her stairs. How many alarm calls turn out to be false alarms, or alarms tripped by the dog/cat/husband/friend/maid/janitor/wind? I would say 85% of them. So I handled the call as a valid hot call, if for no other reason, than the poor woman was terrified. "I can hear him in the hallway.... I have just locked myself in the bathroom... Now he is in my bedroom, please hurry!" I tell her I have units on the way and to please stay on the line. "I can hear him by the dresser. He is counting my money!" What does that sound like? I thought to myself, imagining the sound of paper bills rustling and a suspect counting, "One dollar, two dollars, three dollars...." At this point I really thought she was 5150. I told her units were onscene, to stay put while we did a perimeter check. All of the sudden she begins screaming, "He's trying to come into the bathroom! He's trying to come in! He is in the bathroom!!" And in her defense I did hear a lot of background noise. My officers broke in the door to the house ran up the stairs and promptly went code 4. I knew it! I said to myself. It is all quiet on the air, for at least 5 minutes. All of the sudden my K9 unit comes up on the air, yelling, "Nora 8, I am in the garage with the suspect and I am not Code 4! I REPEAT I AM NOT CODE 4!" Holy crap! I thought, throwing the magazine I had recently picked back up, practically across the room. All the onscene units met Nora 8 in the garage and there his dog is snarling and sitting on the suspect who not only was very real, but armed with a wicked looking knife. Scared the crap out of the poor K9 handler, who must have been thinking just like I did, that it was once again, not a valid alarm call. Long story short, a routine call got very exciting, very fast. It made me a much better dispatcher, in that I learned to take even far-fetched sounding calls seriously, just in case. Later I spoke with Nora 8 and he said he is positive, if we had not gotten there when we did, the RP would have been raped, murdered or both. He said, the suspect was, "One of the biggest, scariest looking dudes" he had ever seen. Creepy.
Yikes! Those moments when the magazine goes flying and your heart skips a beat... not fun. Glad it ended well for the good guys.
Holy Cow! I bet that got your adrenaline going. It is hard though, to not get that "300 call" syndrome.
I bet that made your day knowing that woman was saved... a high five from me :)
WOW! What a call! KUDOS to everyone for a job well done!
Sure wish we could have some excitement like that in Mayberry....but not at the expense of the lil' ol' ladies in town. lol
Glad the poochy didn't get hurt by the knife or bad indigestion (too many bad guys can cause acid reflux)
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