Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Here We Go.......

Wonderful PD has a full time opening, for police dispatcher. It is actually my same slot that was cut during a city budget crunch a while back. If I get my old job back, I'll even have the same badge. Oh how I miss the little nick on the bottom part of the state seal. I am totally excited. My husband and I talked, and now would be a good time for me to attempt to go back to work full time. So, without further ado, I thought I would share with you the little essay I wrote in the box that was for listing any additional experience that would make me a good candidate:

(Note: Man, I wish I had spell check on that application, I just realized I made like 4 really lame spelling errors)

I would like to take this space to tell you why I would be a great fit for this position. If I am hired, I will save the city of Wonderful a great deal of time and money. As I am currently employed by your city, doing the job for which I am applying, my backgrounds, training, and general hiring process, would be very abbreviated. Not only do I have almost six years of dispatch experience, much of it is with Wonderful. I would need minimal refreshers on policies and procedures, and have already passed Wonderful PD's extensive backgrounds, thus saving money, and by not having to train someone new, which takes on average 3 months, I could save Wonderful PD a good deal of time. I feel I am a great potential asset for Wonderful, as I am very familiar with the officers; I know them by their voice. This greatly increases officer safety, which is a dispatcher's number one priority. If one of the officers keys the mic requesting code 3 cover, but does not use his/her call sign, I am almost sure to recognize him/her. It would take a new dispatcher months to learn acquire this skill.

I did not voluntarily leave Wonderful PD, my postion was cut. Wonderful PD was wonderful to me when that happened; helping me get the lateral position at Evil PD.However, no other agency can compare to Wonderful Police. I have remained loyal and committed in my per diem position, and have waited for the time where I could once again apply for the full time position.

So, keep your fingers and toes crossed, and prayers! Lots and lots of prayers!!!!!


HotRodHanna said...

Sounds great! I hope you get the job!

Stacey said...

No logicly thinking person could say no to that.

Good luck

HollyB said...

Good points about saving money on training and background checks!
Luck and prayers heading your way.

Wadical said...

We're hiring too. Wanna move to Florida? It's a red state and our Governor is a REAL Republican! We do have Hurricanes but the earth is pretty damned stable and doesn't move at all! Honest!

Jason said...

Good luck, hope you get it too.

The Thin Blue Line said...

Good luck with that. I reckon you're using the right arguements - money, money, money. It's all the administrators seem to understand.

In fact, one of them will probably get a promotion and pay rise on the strength of giving you your old job back.